Politik Islam
politik islam

Di Jurusan ini kamu juga akan meneliti berbagai teori, fenomena, serta diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi alternatif dalam pengembangan sistem politik Islam.Indonesia is one of Muslim majority country in Asia and the largest Muslim population in the world, even the historical record of Indonesian independence achieved by Muslim fighters. Islamic values colored the formation of a legal basis in Indonesia, but the implementation is a lot of inequality, so the longer the Identity country further away from the basic principle of appropriate early construction. As a democratic country that is based on Pancasila Indonesia should be able to maintain the rights of citizens in accordance with the applicable Norms. Fading Identity Politics in Indonesia make Indonesia increasingly distant from the expectations prosperity aspired.

Islam is a religion perfect and comprehensive, it should have a major role in the political life of a country. Being is homo symbolicum and also the history of politics in Islam since the disciples of Muhammad to the present. Islam merupakan sistem peradaban yang lengkap, yang mencakup agama dan Negara secara bersamaan (M.Dhiaduddin Rais, 2001:5).Simbolisme Agama dalam Politik Islam. Islam mencerminkan teori-teori perundang-undangan dan politik. Islam bukanlah semata agama (a religion) namun juga merupakan sistem politik (a political sistem), Islam lebih dari sekedar agama.

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